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arrivee des restes d'Ivan


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Bonjour a tous,

les restes du cyclone Ivan qui touchent deja l'ouest de la Virginie vont commencer a aborder l'est de la region. Le debut des festivites est prevue pour cet apres midi a Gloucester point, et elles vont durer jusqu'a dimanche. Un petit recapitulatif des conditions meteo dans la region :

- restes d'Ivan arrivant du sud ouest

- froid froid arrivant du nord ouest

- gros anticyclone a l'est

Consequence, la depression occasionne par Ivan va se rapporcher de Gloucester point puis repartira vers le sud, ce qui va entrainer de tres mauvaises conditions meteo pour les prochaines 48h

models :

Nous sommes actuellement en vigilence concernant les inondations et les tornades

voir ce lien pour plus de details :

je vous tiendrai au courant en fonction de l'evolution de la situation

Au derniere info de ce matin, Ivan a cause la mort de 23 personnes aux USA.


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Evolution a Gloucester point.

nous sommes actuellement en tornado watch jusque 20 heures ce soir (2 h du matin heure France).

La temperature est de 32C (humiditex 37C), et les conditions atmospheriques sont en train de se degrader fortement.

alertes a Gloucester point :

temperatures :

Plusieurs tornades sont signalees a 300 km plus a l'ouest. De fortes pluies se developpent actuellement a 50 km au sud est de notre position et se dirigent vers nous.

Plus d'infos en fonction de l'evolution


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L'alerte pour les tornades est prolonge jusque minuit (6 h en France). L'une d'entre elle est a 50 km au sud de Gloucester point. Les tornado warning (lorsque une tornade touche sol) se rapprochent de Gloucester depuis 1 h maintenant.

Sinon, nous avons subi une averse vers 14h, suivi de deux autres a 18h et 19h30 avec des impacts de foudre, mais non audibles. Un premier orage a eclate a 21:30, mais le plus dangereux arrive avec des cellules orageuses qui sont capables de developper des tornades.

Des photos de cette journee sont disponibles sur ce lien

Pour les photos d'eclairs, ils sont trop lumineux (tps d'exposition 8 sec, iso varie entre 200 et 400). J'ai reduit la temps d'exposition mais ca ne change rien. Si quelqu'un pouvait me donner des conseils.



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Les restes de Ivan ont engendre au minimun 40 tornades en Virginie qui ont fait heureusement que des degats materiels.

photos tornade Virginie :

Pour ma part, j'ai observe un funnel vendredi soir :

Il etait present sous ce nuage

on le voit au centre de la photo au dessus des arbres. Un mouvement de rotation a ete observe mais jamais il n'y a eu contact avec le sol.

Je vous met un article parut dans la region. Comme il faut un mot de passe pour y acceder, je vous fait un copier coller ci dessous (en anglais):

Je vous met aussi un lien montrant les degats impressionnant en Caroline du nord ou les maisons ont ete entierement transportees sur plusieurs dizaines de metres par les flots.


Five deaths, including a 75-year-old Andalusia woman killed Friday in a fire started by a candle left burning while her home was left without power. About 550,000 customers were without power. The storm's eye made landfall at Gulf Shores; many coastline condominiums built after Hurricane Frederic in 1979 were damaged. Will likely be the most expensive hurricane in Alabama history, authorities said. President Bush plans to visit the state, as well as Florida, on Sunday.



One death, a boater whose 31-foot trimaran capsized Saturday in Long Island Sound near Niantic Bay in 6-foot seas and winds of 50 knots. Less than 8,000 customers lost power



Sixteen deaths, including 8-year-old girl crushed by a tree north of hard-hit Pensacola. Ivan was the third hurricane to hit state since Aug. 13. More than 330,000 customers were without electricity. Electricity, water and sewer services could take weeks to fix in some areas. National Guardsmen were assigned to deliver food, ice, water and other supplies.



Four deaths, including 6-year-old girl swept from her front yard into a storm drain in northern Georgia. About 30,000 customers were without electricity. Much of northern Georgia's Gilmer County under water, with some motor homes floating away. Up to 9 inches of rain fell in some parts of the state.



Four deaths, all ailing or frail evacuees, as they were being taken from their storm-threatened homes to safer parts of the state. About 1,000 customers were without power. The New Orleans area, where more than a million were told to evacuate, was spared major effects of the storm.



Two deaths from uprooted tree that crashed on to a home early Saturday. About 9,000 homes and businesses without power. National Park Service cancels two Civil War re-enactor encampments near Sharpsburg.



Three deaths, including man killed when his car was struck by uprooted tree. About 22,400 customers were without power. The Gulf Coast's 12 casinos reopened. Minor flooding in the three coastal counties but no major structural damage, officials said.



Officials in the northwestern part of the state were trying to evacuate about 2,000 residents in four Warren County communities along the Delaware River, which was expected to flood even as rains subsided. Gov. James E. McGreevey declared a state of emergency in Warren and three other counties.



More than 1,000 people had to leave their homes in upstate New York because of flooding; 4 to 6 inches of rain fell in some areas.



Eight deaths, including two when a house collapsed in southwestern North Carolina. Authorities on Saturday said someone in Yancey County died in a storm-related incident, but had no other details. About 125,000 customers were without power. In Canton, water rose as high as 4 feet inside convenience store on outskirts of town, where police blocked access. National Guard helicopters were used in some cases to aid swift water rescues.



One death in a car accident blamed on heavy rain and flooding. About 30 homes were evacuated, 115 students were forced to spend Friday night at their elementary school and about 5,700 customers remained without power Saturday.



A man died after falling in floodwaters while waiting to be rescued in Carnegie, just outside Pittsburgh. Heavy rain fell in the Allegheny River basin, bringing floods that swamped homes and knocked dozens of boats loose from their docks. About 31,000 customers remained without power Saturday.



One death, a police officer who crashed on a rain-slickened road. Downtown Spring City flooded by 6 feet of water. Homes washed away; 30 people rescued from an apartment complex stranded by rising waters.



The National Weather Service was investigating reports of more than 40 tornadoes in the state, and several people were injured in the storm. At least 25 homes and three businesses were destroyed statewide, and nearly 2,000 homes were severely damaged - mostly in Henry County. About 21,000 customers were without power Saturday, most of them in northern Virginia.



High water and mudslides blocked more than 200 roads and damaged hundreds of houses across the state. More than 3,000 people were evacuated as flooding, mudslides and several tornadoes hit. About 21,600 customers were without power.


Country-by-country glance at destruction caused by Hurricane Ivan; numbers are according to individual governments and Associated Press reporters.


BARBADOS: A Canadian woman drowned in floodwaters. At least 372 homes were damaged or destroyed.



A man was fatally injured when winds lifted the roof off the civic center where he had taken shelter. A fisherman last seen securing his boat was reported missing. Officials estimate one-quarter to one-half of Grand Cayman's 15,000 homes were damaged by 150 mph winds and flooding.



Four youths were swept away and killed by waves in Santo Domingo.



At least 39 people were killed. Roughly 90 percent of the country's homes were damaged or destroyed.



At least three people were killed. Some 73 homes were destroyed, mainly in the south by surging seas and battering waves.



At least 15 people were killed. Officials were still assessing damage to homes and other buildings.



About 50 homes and buildings were damaged, including schools and public offices.



A pregnant woman was killed in Tobago when a tree fell on her.



At least five people were killed and a dozen injured in heavy rains, flooding and giant waves. Nine people were reported missing on a small boat off the coast. Some 350 homes were damaged and 21 destroyed.



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