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Mars à Hawai...record absolu de pluie


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"Extremely wet month across Hawaii A persistent pattern of upper-level disturbances that has passed just to the north and west of Hawaii had put the state in an area of instability for most of the month and as a result many rounds of heavy showers and thunderstorms have hit the state most of the month. Honolulu recorded rain on 27 of 31 days in the month of March, and a total of 16.78 inches of rain for the month, almost 9 times the normal amount for the month. Numerous all-time rainfall records have fallen over the past month. The rains have caused widespread flooding that has caused significant amounts of damage. Mount Waialeale, on the island of Kauai, received 93.18 inches of rain for the month, breaking the old record of 90.07 inches of rain set in April of 1971. "

NB : 1 inch = 25.40 mm , ce qui donne bien 2367 mm pour le Mt Waialeale (1699 m) pour le mois ! default_stuart.gifdefault_biggrin.png/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">

à noter que l'endroit est coutumier du fait puisque la moyenne annuelle (la + élevée de la planète) y est de 11.684 mm default_biggrin.png/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> & surtout, le Mt Waialeale avec 335 j de pluie > 0.1 mm ( 350 certaines années default_biggrin.png/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> ) est considéré comme la station au monde ayant le plus grand nombre de jours de pluie annuellement..

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