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Windguru Station


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un peu beaucoup cher mais je donne l'info !

What is the Windguru Station?Real-time wind data for your spot is important for you, your customers and for us as well. That's why we developed Windguru Station. It is aimed at measuring wind speed and direction, but it can also report temperature. Data are transferred to the internet so you can view them anytime and from anywhere.

We can imagine that you already thought about measuring wind on your spot, but you gave up because it looked too difficult... There are plenty of weather stations, but which one to choose? One seems cheap but does not look very durable, the other looks nice but then you have seen the price... finally you've found a good one but you want the wind online, and you need more parts... a datalogger, a computer and then to find an IT guy who does the programming... hmmm... maybe later!

Now, finally, you have an easy and affordable solution. Our station use a precise and high quality anemometer made by Davis Instruments, it's easy to install and make your data online automatically. No hassle! All you need is internet within about 250 meters of the spot you want to measure.

The sensors are connected into battery powered outdoor unit, the outdoor unit sends measurements wirelessly to indoor unit. Indoor unit is connected to internet and push data to windguru server, every minute. Windguru stores the data and does all the work for you: show current conditions to anyone, draw wind graphs etc. You can put the wind to your site easily with just a piece of javascript code, no programming. You can download data from windguru anytime for further processing if you need to.

But there is one more thing you need... the most precise wind forecast for your spot! As you know model forecasts have their limits, many places where we kite or windsurf have local conditions that the models can't see because they are never so detailed to understand them. With Windguru Station you will help windguru to do that! History of the measurements from your station can help us to prepare a forecast tuned exactly for the place where the station is located. Become a GURU for your spot, measure & share! :-) If you do, you also get Windguru PRO for free as long as your station is running.

Now you know that you need it :-) and you can get one here.

If you have any questions contact us at !

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