_sb Posté(e) 11 février 2021 Aubagne (13400) Partager Posté(e) 11 février 2021 Hello ! 4 webinaires successifs les 1er, 3, 8 et 10 mars prochains de 14h à 15h30 sur les modèles climatiques mondiaux et régionaux, leurs utilisations pour évaluer les incertitudes et projections régionales pour différents secteurs économiques. Les 4 forment une progression dans le contenu. Citation The Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S) organises a series of webinars on climate projections for Europe with special emphasis on high-resolution regional projections. Climate projections are essential for assessing future climate change and its potential impacts. A wide range of users needs detailed regional and local climate change information. Join us to learn more about regional climate models and their use. The webinars will discuss global and regional climate models, scenarios for the future and how regional climate projections can be used for climate change impact assessments in different sectors in Europe. C3S contributes to the production of a large number of regional EURO-CORDEX climate projections for Europe. The projections are made available for wider use through the C3S Climate Data Store (CDS). In this series of four webinars the climate modellers behind the scenarios will meet users of the projections. Focus will be on presenting and discussing the climate projections and how they may be used for different purposes and sectors. Infos et inscription : https://climate.copernicus.eu/c3s-webinars-regional-climate-projections-europe 1 1 Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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