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Détecteur de foudre blitzortung


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Alpilles NO 13 & Marseille 2ème arrondissement

Idem pour moi merci default_flowers.gif

Pour moi aussi. Svp merci, default_clover.gifdefault_flowers.gifSa partait alléchant!
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StatIC à Longues/mer (70m) StatIC à Asnelles (4m) plages du Débarquement Pays du Bessin Calvados Normandie

Pareil pour moi tongue_smilie.gif. Ouf 5eclover.gif


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Astuce pour les chanceux:

Zoomez sur un impact et vous verrez apparaître un cercle plus ou moins grand en fonction de la précision de détection,et ensuite un clic droit dessus pour faire apparaître les détails du coup de foudre

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Alpilles NO 13 & Marseille 2ème arrondissement

À première vu sa a l'air vraiment pas mal, j'ai programmer une alerte mail, je verrais bien cette nuit ou demain, si la sauce prend...

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StatIC à Longues/mer (70m) StatIC à Asnelles (4m) plages du Débarquement Pays du Bessin Calvados Normandie

Merci Flo default_wink.png/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">

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Alpilles NO 13 & Marseille 2ème arrondissement

Bon j'ai tester hier, l'alerte e-mail marche a merveille!

(dsl j'ecris avec iphone)

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Ci dessous les dernières indications tarifaires du détecteur de foudre , le kit n'est pas assemblé

Dear potential participant,

welcome to

If you are interested to assemble and setup an own station, you can get

the VLF amplifier board PCB 5 Ver. 7 for 10 Euro and

the USB Controller board PCB 6 Ver. 8usb for 10 Euro,

= 20 Euro plus shipping.

The price for shipping two boards is 4 Euro all over the world.

The controller board PCB 6 Ver. 8usb is the USB version. It only works with GPS modules having a serial TTL level interface like the EM-406A module. It also has an ISP 6-ways connector for in-system programming the ATmega 644A micro controller. This board needs two AD-converters of type ADC 0820 CCN.

You can also get the controller board PCB 6 Ver. 6. This is the old RS232 version. It works with GPS modules having a serial RS232 interface or a serial TTL interface. This board needs two AD-converter of type AD7813. We only have a limited numer of these AD-converters on stock. If you only need the RS232 level interface for the connection to your PC and not to convertert the serial RS232 GPS data, you can use PCB 6 Version 8usb with a TTL-RS232 breackout board instead of a TTL-USB breackout board. If additionally a serial TTL connection to your PC is sufficient, you do not need any breackout board.

Please carefully read first the document how to participate to http://www.blitzortu...tzortung.hétéro and http://www.blitzortu...itzortung_b.pdf for the PCB 6 Version 8usb board, respectively.

The installation of a TOA lightning detector is not plug-and-play!

To participants not from Germany/Austria/Switzerland we also sell complete kits, ferrite rod antennas (if desired) and a GPS module (if desired). Note that we do not sell completely assembled boards. We have no time to assemble the kits for you. You either can assemble the kits by yourself or should look for somebody who can assemble the kits for you.

The price for the VLF amplifier kit PCB 5 Version 7 is 36.35 Euro (30.35 Euro without power supply).

The Price for the controller board kit PCB 6 Version 6 is 50.00 Euro (45 Euro without RS232 connection cable and 10m CAT5 Network cable).

The Price for the controller board kit PCB 6 Version 8usb is 52,25 Euro (47,25 Euro without USB connection cable and 10m CAT5 Network cable).

You need one VLF amplifier (PCB 5 Version 7) and one of the two controller boards (PCB 6 Version 6 or PCB 6 Version 8usb).

I can include two 20 cm ferrite rod antennas for additional 45 Euro and an EM-406A SiRF III GPS module for additional 40 Euro (35 Euro without housing and connection cable).

The price for shipping is 17,00 Euro by DHL within the European Union (5 kg), for other countries please ask.

Note that Switzerland and Norway do not belong to the European Union.

If you order more than one complete set, the price for shipping can increase depending on the weight of the parcel.

For example, the price for a complete set inclusive shipping within the EU is 190,60 Euro

VLF amplifier kit PCB 5 Ver. 7 = 36.35 Euro

USB controller board kit PCB 6 Ver. 8usb = 52,25 Euro.

ferrite rod antennas = 45 Euro

EM-406A GPS module = 40 Euro

Shipping = 17 Euro (1.5 kg)


sum = 190,60 Euro

If you are from outside of the European Union, as for example from the United States, then you should first try to get most of the material in your country. This especially concerns the material of a high weigt, because the price for shipping depends on the weight. If you are from the United States, Japan or Australia, I suggest to order only the Kits without cable and without power supply. The plug does not fit anyway. Then the price for a complete set without cables and power supply inclusive shipping to the United States, Japan or Australia is 172,60 Euro

VLF amplifier kit PCB 5 Ver. 7 = 30.35 Euro

USB controller board kit PCB 6 Ver. 8usb = 47,25 Euro.

ferrite rod antennas = 45 Euro

EM-406A GPS module = 40 Euro

Shipping = 10 Euro (below 1kg)


sum = 172,60 Euro

If you only want certain parts, then you can use the prices shown in the last section of the Documentation.

I prefer money transfer to

Egon Wanke,




Account No.xxxxxxxxx

Postbank Hannover: xxxxxxxxx

IBAN DExxxxxxxx

BIC xxxxxxxxxx

You can also pay by PayPal , but then please add the additional PayPal fees of + 0.35 Euro and + 1.9% for european countries and + 0.35 Euro plus 3.9% for all other countries. That is, if X is the price in Euro then ( X + 0.35 )/0.981 is the PayPal price in Euro for european countries and ( X + 0.35 )/0.961 is the PayPal price for all other countries. For example, if 190.60 Euro is the price for the complete set as computed above, then the PayPal price for european countries is 194.65 Euro. If 172.60 Euro is the price for the complete set as computed above, then the PayPal price for all over the worls is 179.97 Euro.

If you are still interested, please send me your postal address and the information about the material you need. Reply to this email.

Only people who are able to send data to our server will get a usernames and password for login at


Egon Wanke

Please note: is a community of volunteers with noncommercial interests. We make no contracts. A commercial use of our data is prohibited. Since most of the users have no possibility to program the ATMega644 and have difficulties to get the material in some countries, we spend our free time to buy the necessary parts here in Germany, pack them into a parcel, and ship it to you. We do all this just as a favor, there is no extra charge. Since we are no salesmen, we send no invoices for the material and service (only on occasional exception, if the users will recover the appropriate amount via official channels). We can not include the invoices we get from our local vendors, because these invoices are for the parts for several kits.


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StatIC à Longues/mer (70m) StatIC à Asnelles (4m) plages du Débarquement Pays du Bessin Calvados Normandie

Désolé Flo, je n'ai pas pu suivre à ce moment là donc je ne peux pas te dire default_wink.png/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">

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A très bonne nouvelle pour le forum je ferais mon inscription très prochainement default_biggrin.png/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> ! AAAA 2 nouvelles stations ont rejoint le réseau voilà que le réseau commence à s'étendre en France ! (je t'enverrais un MP d'ici quelques jours default_wink.png/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20"> )

Bonne soirée .

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La portée est de bien plus de 200km,je capte jusqu'à 3000 km.

Je compare régulièrement les résultats avec un accès pro à météorage (Météo France),le réseau n'a pas à rougir.....loin de là

Toute la France est couverte mais il est sûre plus il y aura de stations plus la précision sera meilleure

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La portée est de bien plus de 200km,je capte jusqu'à 3000 km.

Je compare régulièrement les résultats avec un accès pro à météorage (Météo France),le réseau n'a pas à rougir.....loin de là

Toute la France est couverte mais il est sûre plus il y aura de stations plus la précision sera meilleure

3000 km default_blink.png

Si c'est installé au centre de la France, ca capte tout l'angleterre et une partie de l'afrique du nord ... pas mal.

Maintenant c'est sûr que la précision est meilleure avec des participants rappochés.

Pour le Nord de la France, cela parait bon.

Il faut étendre sur l'Est de Paris, la Bretagne, Pau, Clermont Ferrand.

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