_Joel_ Posté(e) 2 août 2017 Belgique Partager Posté(e) 2 août 2017 Bonjour, Davis présente un nouveau produit dans sa newsletter : http://www.davisnet.com/solution/enviromonitor-affordable-field-monitoring-system/ Did you hear that? That was the sound of virtual champagne corks popping! We’re celebrating around here! Why? Because our new agricultural system, EnviroMonitor, has made its premier! The system is truly amazing. It combines all the things we do best – making rugged and reliable weather instruments, providing timely and accurate data, and presenting that data when, where and how it is needed. But this time we’ve produced a product especially for growers. With EnviroMonitor, farmers can set up a huge range of sensors (both Davis and other manufacturer’s) out in their most remote fields, wherever they are needed. The sensors are wired to an EnviroMonitor Node, which transmits the data via a self-optimizing mesh to an EnviroMonitor Gateway. The Gateway then pushes the data to the cloud via cellular connection where the grower can access it 24/7. Growers can also get text or email alarms about any condition they set up. The beauty of the system lies in its flexibility. Each grower can set up the precise set of sensors needed for any crop. Growers can control water use by seeing soil moisture data, avoid frost damage with low temperature alerts, and watch growing degree days to maximize yield. They can maintain control of precious water resources with level sensors, flow meters and pressure sensors. They can enhance pest control with real-time data from their own microclimate. The self-optimizing mesh is created by the ability of Nodes to communicate with each other as well as the Gateway. They allow growers to put sensors anywhere they are needed -- each Node can relay the data from more distant Nodes to the Gateway. Even if you only grow tomatoes in a pot on the back porch, it’s easy to get excited about this kind of high-tech system that not only collects data, but harnesses the vast amount of it into actionable information growers can really use. It makes us want to rent a tractor and go plow up the back yard! Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Sebaas Posté(e) 2 août 2017 Montpellier (34), Montreuil (93) ou Ciran (37) Partager Posté(e) 2 août 2017 OK donc les embauches de dév' java de ces dernières années par Davis, ce n'était pas (encore) pour la future console de la VP3 et la réécriture de l'ante-diluvien Weatherlink! Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Responsable Technique Raph06 Posté(e) 4 août 2017 Cannes Responsable Technique Partager Posté(e) 4 août 2017 Uff il a intérêt à être bon le rendement de son champ Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
_Joel_ Posté(e) 19 août 2017 Belgique Auteur Partager Posté(e) 19 août 2017 Et une petite brochure en français : https://www.davisnet.com/product_documents/weather/Catalogs_Brochures/PR86FR.pdf 1 Lien à poster Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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