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Weather Band Jamposium (en ligne)

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Aubagne (13400)
The Weather Band Jamposium [ ] is your 
chance to engage with the experts on important weather and climate topics chosen by YOU, our Weather Band members! We're 
featuring two of our Jamposium sessions below, crafted from your suggestions. Mark your calendar and plan to attend 
our virtual gathering 29 February and 1 March! Registration opens next week, and watch your mail for information on 
the other four sessions.

Eclipse 2024: Solar Science in Action | Friday 1 March, 12-1 PM ET

If you plan on observing April 8th’s total solar eclipse, you can make an important contribution to solar science 
while viewing an awesome natural phenomenon! In this Jamposium session, hear about citizen science projects—collaborations
between scientists and members of the public—happening around the eclipse, and how you can get involved!
 • Dr. Genene Fisher, Program Scientist, NASA Heliophysics (Moderator)
 • Dr. Laura Peticolas, Associate Director – Sonoma State University, E/PO Physics and Astronomy
 • Dr. Nathaniel Frissell, Space Physicist and Electrical Engineer, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research
 • Dr. Gordon Emsile, Professor, Western Kentucky University; SunSketcher Project Lead

Citizen Science: Advancing Weather and Climate Science One Observation at a Time | Friday 1 March, 1:15-2:15 PM ET
Citizen scientists in CoCoRaHS, NWS COOP, Skywarn, and other volunteer programs play a vital role in weather forecasting.
By filling in gaps in observation networks, their observations help meteorologists and hydrologists issue more accurate forecasts and warnings. Meet the experts to learn how citizens can get involved, how volunteer observations 
make a difference, and how you can become an even more effective observer.
 • Noah Newman, Research Coordinator, Colorado Climate Center; Education and Outreach Coordinator, Community Collaborative 
Rain, Hail and Snow network (CoCoRaHS) (Moderator)
 • Jennifer Dunn, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, National Weather Service, Fort Worth, Texas
 • Jason Cooper, Archivist, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
 • Theodore (Ted) Rodgers, Senior HAS Forecaster, Middle Atlantic River Forecast Center


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Aubagne (13400)

29 février et 1er mars 2024 :


Deux exemples parmi les 6 webinaires (sauf si vous pouvez aller sur place pour y participer !) :


Attribution Science: Helping to Understand our Changing Weather | Thursday, 29 February, 2:30–3:30 PM ET
People understand that the climate is changing, but they still have questions about how it is influencing weather. Did climate change make this storm stronger or this winter warmer? How much? Attribution science is a way to assess and quantify the role of climate change in weather, from extreme events to everyday temperatures. Join Climate Central and the American Meteorological Society for a discussion about recent advances in attribution science, including examples of how broadcast meteorologists are incorporating it in their work, and tools that you can use to understand how our changing climate is changing our weather.
 • Dr. Daniel Gilford, Climate Scientist, Climate Central
 • Tevin Wooten, Meteorologist, NBC Boston
 • Lauren Casey, Meteorologist, Climate Central (moderator)


Comment quantifier le rôle du RC, de El Nino ou autres dans les évènements tant extrêmes que banaux ?


Global Weather Modeling: Where We Are, and What the Future Holds | Friday, 1 March, 2:30–3:30 PM ET
Global weather models provide forecasters with guidance that is the starting point to weather forecasts. Even incremental improvements in performance can result in significant benefits to society. This webinar will showcase recent performance this winter among the leading global modeling systems. The discussion will also touch on any planned supercomputing upgrades, other notable improvements, and more. 
 • Dr. Alicia M. Bentley, Atmospheric Scientist, National Weather Service Environmental Modeling Center
 • Dr. Neil Jacobs, Chief Science Adviser, Unified Forecast System
 • Doug Hilderbrand, Preparedness and Resilience Program Lead, National Weather Service (moderator)


Les évolutions prochaines des modèles de prévisions globales du temps, les supercalculateurs, ...


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Aubagne (13400)

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