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Joe Bastardi et le début mars


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The strong trof developing over western Europe is sending a well below chill later this week and on the weekend all through areas that have had an uncommonly warm February up to now. However that is coming to a crashing end, and the ideas below to me hold water...however cold that water may be.

However I want to venture a bit further now. The origin of air across Europe the next 6 days is from the area between Iceland and Scandinavia. Yes its cold and moist, but it is not the coldest it can be. However the upper ridge and the negative NAO may conspire to send the true arctic air, the air that can come from Siberia, over the pole and down through Scandinavia where it turn south and southwest early next week. This would bring uncommonly cold weather for the month that is supposed to break the back of winter.

This is something I worried about all winter, but it has not showed up. The cold snaps that have come have been nasty in the east, where less influence of the atlantic is involved, It seemed though with all the blocking that had been occurring in the fall that something like this would happen. The good news is that it didnt happen in January, the bad news it may happen now, and combined with the threat of systems cutting through and spreading some snow, it may be One of the capitals in the west that grabs weather headlines over the next 10 days, rather than the capitals in the southeast as has had happened before.

Ciao for now ****

En clair, après l'air froid et humide provenant des régions entre Islande et Scandinavia, Joe parle d'air venant à l'origine de Sibérie traversant les régions polaires, aboutissant en Scandinavie avant d'être propulsé vers le Sud-Ouest vers l'Europe de l'Ouest.

Le "problème" selon lui, c'est que cet air froid devrait être coupé (undercut) par des fronts venant de l'Ouest, ce qui provoquerait les mêmes perturbations qu'a connues l'Europe du Sud-Est, mais donc en Europe de l'Ouest.

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Les conditions qu'ont eues les grandes villes d'Europe de l'Est (Athènes, Istanbul, ...) peuvent être observées dans les 10 jours sur des grandes capitales d'Europe de l'Ouest, lorsque des fronts seront propulsés le long d'air froid venant de Scandinavie.

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Saint Leu La Foret (95), altitude 70 mètre.

Aldo le 1/03/1946, il y'avait 40 cm a Paris, 40 cm au Bourget, 50 cm a Versaille, 55 cm

a Trappe.

Un mois que vous zappez souvent c'est mars 70 avec de 15 cm a 25 cm pendant 10 jours et des hauteurs cumules de neige fraiches de 30 cm a 40 cm.

philippe default_wink.png/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20">

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